Have you been looking for a psychologist for your teenager but don’t feel like any of the options you’ve seen are a good fit? By that same token, have you moved out of your parents’ house, are out on your own, want to see a therapist, yet you can’t find one that really “speaks to you?” Finding a therapist to simply have a therapist can be more beneficial than not having a therapist. However, it won’t be nearly as beneficial as finding a therapist that’s the right fit for you or someone you love. Dr. Laura young psychologist has the kind of experience to work with teens, young adults, and others.
Dr. Laura Young Psychologist for Teens
Does it seem like your teenager does nothing but fight? Whether it’s with parents, teachers, peers, or anyone else, has it felt like your teenager is always on edge? Or, alternatively, does your teen seem to be depressed practically all of the time? Teenage years can be great, but they can also be a very difficult time for teens as well as their parents. Dr. Calnan has years of experience in working with young people. She, quite literally, gets what they’re going through. In turn, she can help them to understand it in a new, better way.
A Psychologist for Young Adults as Well
Have you spent your entire 20s feeling lost and unsure? Do you know that you aren’t a child yet you still are uncertain about the adult you’re going to be? These are common concerns, far more common than you might realize. Dr. Calnan has, for years, provided support and guidance to folks in their 20s to take those all-important steps towards actualizing themselves into who they really want to be.
A Psychologist for All
All of the above having been said, it's not like, when you hit the age of 29, Dr. Calnan suddenly stops opening her therapeutic practice to you. For clients of any age, Dr. Calnan provides helpful, actionable support. By the time you reach the middle of your life, you may have experienced grief, divorce, chronic health conditions, pain, parenting, and many other significant challenges. She’s helped so many parents, for example, to develop better communication and understanding with their teens. She can help you to understand exactly how you got to where you are and what to do next.
Today’s a Great Day to Get Started With Therapy
You never really hear anyone say: “I wish I’d waited longer to start going to therapy.” The best day to get started seeing a therapist is today. That way, you can get started on the journey to bolstering your body, mind, and spirit that much sooner. The process may be lengthy, but it can be incredibly rewarding, no matter what age you are. Whether you’re depressed and anxious, need support for yourself, or just want clarity and resolution, she can help. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Calnan, you can message her through her site or call (818) 331-1131.